"If a child
can't learn in the way that we teach, then we must teach in a way
he can learn."Ivar Lovaas, Ph.D
(Fargo Moorhead Families for Effective Autism Treatment)
"Serving Fargo Moorhead and Surrounding Area"
Indicators of Normal Development |
Age | Skills or Abilities Awareness and Thinking |
Communication | Movement | Social | Self-help |
birth- 3 months |
Responds to new sounds Follows movement of hands with eyes Looks at object and people |
Coos and makes sounds Smiles at mother's voice |
Waves hands and feet Grasps objects Watches movement of own hands |
Enjoys being tickled and held Makes brief eye contact during feeding |
Opens mouth to bottle or breast and sucks |
3-6 months | Recognizes mother Reaches for things |
Turns head to sounds and voices Begins babbling Imitates sounds Varies cry |
Lifts head and chest Bangs objects in play |
Notices strangers and new places Expresses pleasure or displeasure Likes physical play |
Eats baby food from spoon Reaches for and holds bottle |
6-9 months | Imitates simple gestures Responds to name |
Makes nonsense syllables like gaga Uses voice to get attention |
Crawls Stands by holding on to things Claps hands Moves objects from one hand to the other |
Plays peek-a-boo Enjoys other children Understands social signals like smiles or harsh tones |
Chews Drink from a cup with help |
9-12 months | Plays simple games Moves to reach desired objects Looks at pictures in books |
Waves bye-bye Stops when told "no" Imitates new words |
Walks holding on to furniture Deliberately lets go of an object Makes markes with a pencil or crayon |
Laughs aloud during play Shows preference for one toy over another Responds to adult's change in mood |
Feeds self with fingers Drinks from cup |
12-18 months | Imitates unfamiiar sounds and gestures Points to a desired object |
Shakes head to mean "no" Begins using words Follows simple commands |
Creeps upstairs and downstairs Walks alone Stacks blocks |
Repeats a performance laughed at Shows emotions like fear or anger Returns a kiss or hug |
Moves to help in dressing Indicates wet diaper |
18-24 months | Identifies parts of own body Attends to nursery rhymes Points to pictures in books |
Uses two words to describe actions Refers to self by name |
Jumps in place Pushes and pulls objects Turns pages of book one by one Uses fingers and thumb |
Cries a bit when parents leave Becomes easily frustrated Pays attention to other children |
Zips Removes clothes without help Unwraps things |
24-36 months | Matches shapes and objects Enjoys picture books Recognizes self in mirror Counts to ten |
Joins in songs and rhythm Uses three-word phrases Uses simple pronouns Follows two instructions at a time |
Kicks and throws ball Runs and jumps Draws straight lines Strings beads |
Pretends and plays make believe Avoids dangerous situations Initiates play Attempts to take turns |
Feeds self with spoon Uses toilet with some help |
Adapted from "Growth and
Development Milestones," Maryland Infants and
Toddlers Program, Baltimore, MD, 1995. |